
The Lambda Awards were Super Fun!

…even though I LOST [sad horn sound]. But in all honesty, the real disappointment for me would’ve been if I hadn’t been a finalist. I was counting on that shit! I just wanted a chance to go to the awards and see how the other half lives. So what can I say? I looked like […]


Awards Season, Darling

Backwoods has been nominated for a Lambda Literary Award! This means I get to attend the awards ceremony in June in New York City and prepare my Oscar speech. It also means that I will henceforth be referred to as “Lambda Award finalist Natty Soltesz.” Do take note. But seriously, it’s great to get recognition […]


NYC Appearance Imminent!

Hey NYC people! Come visit me at the Rainbow Book Fair this Saturday, March 24th, from 11am to 5:30pm at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, 208 West 13th Street. I’ll be selling signed copies of ‘Backwoods’ along with zines and original collages.


New Story Poll!

This month Handjobs Magazine is running an excerpt from Backwoods and as a result I’m getting a lot of fresh hits to this website. Welcome, fellow pervs! One thing I like to do on here from time to time is run a poll to decide what I should write next. I’ve done four of them […]


Holy Interviews!

Two interviews that I did with local media were added to the web today: 1) A Q&A with my old friend Laurie for her blog Yinz R Readin. 2) A similar type interview that I did with my good buddy (and acclaimed author) Mack Friedman for Pittsburgh’s Out Newspaper (it’s toward the end of the […]


New Thangs

Here’s some things that have happened since I last posted: 1) Backwoods was submitted to the Lambda Literary Awards in the ‘gay erotica’ category, which doesn’t really mean anything as there’s a bunch of books submitted. They’ll announce five or so finalists eventually, so we’ll see. 2) Dennis Cooper, one of my literary heroes, listed […]

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More Backwoods Frustration

So you can now order Backwoods, the print version, on Amazon for $9.04. That’s only some cents over the price of the ebook version on Amazon. Why is it so cheap? I have no idea! Furthermore, I have yet to see a copy of it. I can’t believe it. How is it that I could […]


Kindle Edition of Backwoods is Up

It’s right here. Also, here is the Smashwords edition. Smashwords lets you download the book in a bunch of different formats, such as HTML or PDF, for people who don’t have a Kindle or an ebook reader. Apparently Amazon gets the copies of Rebel Satori’s physical books before anywhere else gets them, so while I […]


The Word from Rebel Satori Press

“It’s at the printer. Slight hang up with a formatting glitch but copies will start shipping in a few days.” I’m glad to know, at least, what’s going on. Yesterday totally blew – my big “book release” day and I had no fucking clue where my book was.