
Greasy Kid Stuff

Repost from old blog, 9/22/2007I read Blake Nelson’s novel Girl when I was in high school (back in the day, devouring my girl friend’s used copies of Sassy in study hall). I enjoyed it a great deal (a novel about teens with sex and drugs!), but Nelson fell off my radar until recently, when I […]


Book Fetishism

I mentioned my latent book fetish to some friends today and it made think of the fairly brilliant credit sequence for the movie Gentlemen Broncos. Gentlemen Broncos Titles from Reuben Armstrong on Vimeo. Note: I have not seen this movie, nor have ever seen a Jared/Jerusha Hess movie, nor do I ever want to. I […]


Gothic Romance Paperbacks

Almost without fail, the paperbacks showed a single woman, seemingly lost or terrified, wandering or fleeing within the dark wilderness, often with a foreboding castle behind her. And always in that castle, tiny and dreamy and golden: a single, secretive lighted window. Via Scott Heim


College Boys

College Boys, the latest anthology in which I have a story, is out and available. The book contains my story “College Dive Bar, 1 A.M.”, and I really feel like it’s the best story I wrote this past year, and in fact it’s been the jumping-off point for the new book I’m working on. Also, […]


Innocence, circa 1965

Repost from old blog, 5/27/2009 My thrift-seeking boyfriend recently picked up an old children’s reader (c. 1965) called Around Green Hills. The first story is about gender-bending twins and it’s sweet. The second is unintentionally creepy and may especially interest sufferers of coulrophobia.


Vomit-Porn Fiction

Repost from old blog, 1/5/2007 It began. The shaking that always hits when I’m most afraid. And at the same time my stomach began the warm-up for the blew magoo. “He’s gonna blow!” Hedley cried out triumphantly. My guts began to do the wiggle. My throat began the gack dance. It was five seconds to […]