Innocence, circa 1965
Repost from old blog, 5/27/2009
My thrift-seeking boyfriend recently picked up an old children’s reader (c. 1965) called Around Green Hills. The first story is about gender-bending twins and it’s sweet. The second is unintentionally creepy and may especially interest sufferers of coulrophobia.
(click to enlarge images)
Just to highlight…
Bernard Welt
May 27, 2009 @ 13:34:59
Holy moly.
BTW I’m collecting a whole lot of older (like 1910-1930s) boys’ books for their bizarre homoerotic illustrations. Yum.
May 27, 2009 @ 14:51:14
That sounds great!
Feb 26, 2010 @ 19:12:03
Studies have shown that boys who have sex with old clowns are NOT damaged psychologically, and the clowns seem to benefit connsiderably from such experiences.
As for coulrophobia, I don’t know for sure, but I’m guessing I’m afeared of coulros.
Sera Sera
Mar 03, 2010 @ 21:27:13
Thanks for ruining my night. Kidding, but this is seriously freaky. I hate clowns. Damn, Stephen King. And the mother and everyone else wants Penny. I wish I’d been alive in the 60s.