The Story-Sequel Poll
I love getting email from readers, and whenever I post a story on Nifty I get a good handful of them. Inevitably, one or two readers ask if I intend to write a sequel to whatever story they’ve just read, and I always say the same thing: Nope.
I’ve written serials before, and though I enjoyed it, they are truly the least-read stories on my website. But the main reason I don’t write sequels is that I just like leaving things open ended. It’s too easy to fall into the trap of piling on the action until “Frat-Fuck-Fest-Part-32” becomes an orgy with Sam Worthington and his passel of cousins. You know – unrealistic.
But still, it’s fun to wonder about what might happen if certain stories were continued. Recently a reader named Matt suggested a sequel to Dr. Craig, and it gave me the idea to post a poll and allow readers to pick one story, to which I will then write a sequel.
If I only get five votes, I probably won’t do it. If I do get an adequate response, I will compose a sequel to whichever story garners the most votes, and I’ll post it on my next scheduled update, February of 2010.
I chose these five stories based on their popularity and also on whether I thought they’d be fun to continue. The poll will close on January 6 January 3 (sorry, I didn’t realize I’d get as many votes as I’m getting and I don’t feel like waiting that long). Please vote!
Which Story Should I Expand into a Novella?
- My Boyfriend's Horny Brothers (48%, 12 Votes)
- Dr. Craig (24%, 6 Votes)
- My Best Friend's Boyfriend (16%, 4 Votes)
- The Barn (12%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 25

Dec 28, 2009 @ 23:59:17
I voted for uncle barry, but actually I think your hottest story was the one about the biology lesson.
Dec 29, 2009 @ 10:04:21
Thanks anonymous
Dec 29, 2009 @ 10:08:10
I agree with what Annonymous says, I think that the biology lesson was one of the hottest stories that I have ever read, I get off every time I read it. Would love to read more like that.
Dave, in Ashtabula, Ohio.
Dec 29, 2009 @ 10:14:46
Thanks Dave, glad you liked it. Hmmm if I could recommend a story to you it would be “Practice Makes Perfect,” which is full-on Dad/Son incest but features the teacher/student/sexual lesson dynamic present in “Biology Lesson.” Give it a try.
Dec 31, 2009 @ 22:54:46
hello i was trying to vote for practice makes perfect. but was unable to vote. i read this story a while back. but always come back to it. it may be the hottest thing that i have ever read.
Jan 01, 2010 @ 13:20:59
Aries, I checked the log and your vote was indeed counted. I deleted all of your multiple comments. Please don’t do that again. I’m really glad you like the story.
Jan 02, 2010 @ 22:07:48
I’m sure you’ll have a difficult time guessing which one I voted for… You still owe me a story by the way. Two if I wanna be a cunt about it. *laugh*
Jan 03, 2010 @ 06:45:54
Oh Sera, thank you for voting, I have no doubt it was for Daddy. And I know, I’m terrible about promising stories and not delivering. blargh.
natty soltesz's blog & gay erotic stories » Thanks, Handjobs Readers!
Jan 25, 2010 @ 22:39:07
[…] Magazine You all know my quasi-policy on story sequels, but I had so much fun writing the sequel to My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey that I might do it […]
natty soltesz's blog & gay erotic stories » New Story Alert!
Feb 02, 2010 @ 20:52:02
[…] Here it is, folks, the end result of my experiment in reader-assisted decision making: […]
Natty Soltesz's Blog & Gay Erotic Stories » Story Sequel Poll, Part 2
Mar 03, 2010 @ 23:45:26
[…] last poll I did went really well, and I was surprised by how much it inspired me, so I’m doing it […]
Sep 17, 2012 @ 19:28:17
I am a huge fan. I loved Practice Makes Perfect. I get hard every time I read that story. I hope that you are planning on creating a either a follow-up or a series. Please keep me posted.
Sep 17, 2012 @ 19:28:40
I am a huge fan. I loved “Practice Makes Perfect”. I get hard every time I read that story. I hope that you are planning on creating a either a follow-up or a series. Please keep me posted.