Your Friday Nifty Experience
As I said, normally I would be all over this fellow, but he was Kathy’s boyfriend still (they always got back together eventually-I think she liked to give her vag a break for a week or so). I told him to calm down, that he was drunk, to quit being silly. He told me that he knew I was gay, that we had some friends in common that I did not know about. Besides, it had been over a week for him and he was horny. And Kath wouldn’t know unless I told her about it. And besides, when else would I have an opportunity to play with something like what he had to offer?
Read “Kathy’s Boyfriend” by Expat Stud
Aug 27, 2010 @ 11:37:09
HOLY CRAP how long are you going to tease us about the Seann William Scott story? Was that all just a big tease? I figured you had forgotten about us while you were working on your books, but then you come back, promise us your sweet, sweet porn, and then seemingly forget about it. YOU’RE MEAN! LOL
Aug 27, 2010 @ 15:21:29
My god, I only started writing the damn thing two weeks ago. I would’ve gotten it done sooner had life not interfered, and by “life” I mean two car accidents in two days (yes, really). Anyway I finished the second draft this afternoon and I’m PSYCHED about it, going to post it probably this weekend.
As Stifler might say, pull your panties out of your ass crack and chill, dude. And thanks for taking interest. 🙂
Aug 28, 2010 @ 14:14:41
Well written story and it serve me well… It’s just that I get distracted by the “British” terms from those special nouns and verbs that a part of a story like this. Is the Friday Nifty Experience going to be a regular?
Aug 28, 2010 @ 15:19:48
Hey Rick, glad it did the trick. Yes, this is going to be a regular feature.