Your Friday Nifty Experience
By now my cock was starting to thicken up: still hanging downwards but definitely growing chunkier.
He looked up at me, still smiling, and said, “I can smell where she’s dribbled into your bush, man. That means she must have ridden your cock. She sat on you didn’t she?”
Read “Desperate Daniel” by Sebastian Wallace
Sep 10, 2010 @ 11:12:44
Definitely one of my all-time favorite reads of his — never fails to deliver. Another of his that I enjoyed, but isn’t on Nifty, is “Army Invasion” (
Sep 10, 2010 @ 13:11:42
Those two are goodies but the first two parts of STr8 Guys Messing Around were once my favorite until part three soured it. Ghost and Photo Shoot are now tied for the top spot.
I s he still writing? The last time I had a link to his site it was shut down and the stories were starting to be much less well done than the four we’ve mentioned…
Sep 10, 2010 @ 17:48:23
whey – thanks for the link, I’m gonna go read that right now…
Steve – As far as I know he’s been dormant for the last few years – no website and no new stories. I really liked the last few stories he put out, in particular “Helping Out Dad”:
Sep 12, 2010 @ 18:23:19
Sebastian Wallace… that’s a British writer, yeah? I can never get past the use of “arse” in print. And even worse– “willy”. Ugh.
That said, I gave ‘Desperate Daniel’ a quick once-over just now. Whoa. Very hot.
Sep 13, 2010 @ 08:41:57
Yeah, jkrs, we’ve discussed this. British language doesn’t bother me, however I do have hated sex terms, specifically: spooge, tube steak.
Sep 16, 2010 @ 07:12:11
Ah, i’d forgotten that conversation. And yet, i STILL find it amusing that SPOOOOOOGE bothers ya 🙂
Oct 24, 2010 @ 23:00:24
Always thought that Sebastian Wallace was one of the best writers of erotic fiction (?) on the ‘Net. Have greatly missed him — though a story popped up on “Men On The Net” couple years back, “Riding The Tube,” that mimmicked his style (with the curious “seb_ghost_writer” pseudonym) so perfectly that I was convinced he had made a brief return (though the e-mail had an American “edu” address).
Anyway, this site very nicely collected all of Sebastian’s stories, I think the “Life at College” stuff was his best in terms of sustained quality. The above-mentioned outstanding “Army Invasion” and “Straight Guys Messing About” are both from that period.
Oct 24, 2010 @ 23:35:34
Correction: I meant to say that the stories from the “Life As a Student” (not “College”) period were Wallace’s best.
Oct 25, 2010 @ 08:44:50
Thanks RobbyG, that’s a nice compendium. I corresponded with Seb a couple times back in the day, he told me what I pretty much already knew: he just loses interest in his writing to the point where he doesn’t even think about it. So hopefully some day soon we’ll see some more. I thought his most recent stories, in particular “Helping Out Dad,” was up there with some of his best work.