
First of all, have you noticed how poorly this site has been operating lately? I called my hosting service today and they were like, “Oh yeah, we’ve been having trouble with that server for the past month,” and I was like, “Okay, so move it to another server,” so that’s what they’re going to do. So hopefully it should work better.

I don’t even know what to say on this website lately. There’s too much going on. I had to euthanize my cat a little while back. The vet came to my house to do it, which helped. I took his body to my hometown and buried him in the woods.

I sold my first collage at an event in Pittsburgh called Art All Night, really a fantastic thing. It was the first time I’d sold a piece of visual art on its own merit, so that feels pretty great.

I started writing again, I submitted something to Best Gay Erotica 2012 just the other day, so that feels good too.

I guess that’s it.