First of all, have you noticed how poorly this site has been operating lately? I called my hosting service today and they were like, “Oh yeah, we’ve been having trouble with that server for the past month,” and I was like, “Okay, so move it to another server,” so that’s what they’re going to do. So hopefully it should work better.
I don’t even know what to say on this website lately. There’s too much going on. I had to euthanize my cat a little while back. The vet came to my house to do it, which helped. I took his body to my hometown and buried him in the woods.
I sold my first collage at an event in Pittsburgh called Art All Night, really a fantastic thing. It was the first time I’d sold a piece of visual art on its own merit, so that feels pretty great.
I started writing again, I submitted something to Best Gay Erotica 2012 just the other day, so that feels good too.
I guess that’s it.
May 03, 2011 @ 20:58:48
don’t feel so much pressure to innovate every day/entry on here. we love u just the way you are. maybe this could be a place to chill. verbally, anyway.
May 06, 2011 @ 06:14:53
congrats on the collage!
I read Coming and Crying by the way. I liked it, but I know what you mean about it claiming it was doing something new that it wasn’t. The pieces I liked best were the story about the homo porn actor/rent boy. The image of him kneeling on the porn towel has stayed with me!
And the one about the bisexual woman responding to personal ads and getting the fuck of her life from someone unexpected.