Story Situation Poll Results
Congratulations, pollsters: you did the right thing. I know I pushed for the Seann William Scott/Stifler story, but truth be told I voted for the ill-fated story about a tanning salon clerk. But that’s cool – apparently THREE OTHER PEOPLE think it’s a good idea, too (even my devoted bf suggested I nix it). What is it about preening, body-conscious dudes that turns me on so much? Sorry, world – you may never know (unless, of course, said world reads any of the dozens of other stories where I write about shaved, cologned assholes).
Anyway, the Stifler story is already a quarter of the way written, and I have a good feeling about it. It’s making me laugh, at least. These celebrity/slash fiction pieces are the most fun to write, mainly because I don’t have to come up with the characters. Hell, I can basically plagiarize Wikipedia:
Stifler is a popular, confident, oversexed jock. He can be a bully and a prankster, but is always good natured. He is known to have had many sexual partners, with 23 acts of sexual intercourse and at least one act of oral sex in his freshman year of college alone.
Done and DONE.
In related news, it seems our beloved SWS has gained some weight. It’s okay with me – I’m sure his ass is just that much more succulent.
Aug 15, 2010 @ 07:39:52
Oh, I need to see that. I’m a Rock fan, I guess…okay, I’ll say it: I BET HE HAS A GREAT ASS. Christ, I’m such an ass queen.
Aug 17, 2010 @ 19:20:38
goddamn it; i wanted to read some hot father son action. i don’t suppose i could contest the results like gore did in the 2000 elections?
Aug 17, 2010 @ 19:36:13
btw, out of curiosity, does your boyfriend every ask you to write specifically themed stories for him?
Aug 17, 2010 @ 19:59:27
My boyfriend isn’t a big reader or much of an erotic fiction fan. But sometimes I make him read my stories, and I know they’re good if he gets a boner.