New Nifty Story Alert!
New story for February – Diary of a University Research Subject. This is a longer story (if you contributed to the Kickstarter campaign for my book Backwoods you might have received it in the mail in booklet form) so I decided to post it on Nifty in two or three installments. When all installments are on Nifty I’ll post the full story on this website.
Can I just say: How wonderful that I can share my work so freely with an audience, and in so many different venues. I can publish a story on Nifty and post it on this website. A few months later I can submit that same story to an anthology and, if it’s accepted, get a little cash for it. Then I can collect it into an ebook and sell it that way. Options are good.
Feb 13, 2013 @ 18:28:04
Loved the first part, and I’m looking forward to reading the rest. I don’t know where you get your ideas, but keep them coming!
Feb 15, 2013 @ 14:36:19
Loved it!! Wished I had the rest!!! You are the best!!!