really good article. now i have to go buy “no logo.” i especially like how she points out how completely hypocritical obama is, despite some of us hoping for actual change. it’s quite disheartening to know that no politician, not one, is there for the people. kinda makes me want to rally friends and start calling our congressman and at least making our voices heard. on the other hand, kinda makes me wanna take a nap.
Jan 19, 2010 @ 21:18:27
really good article. now i have to go buy “no logo.” i especially like how she points out how completely hypocritical obama is, despite some of us hoping for actual change. it’s quite disheartening to know that no politician, not one, is there for the people. kinda makes me want to rally friends and start calling our congressman and at least making our voices heard. on the other hand, kinda makes me wanna take a nap.