Porn Poetry

I became so enamored of this scene tonight that I wrote a poem about it. Watch it first then read on if you dare.

They’ve Done This Before
by Natty Soltesz

They watch straight porn
(you can tell from the girl-moan sounds)
I prefer to imagine
they know each other –
friends, frat bros, roommates
They’ve done this before
only when they’re drunk
Black ball cap
demure in his towel
White ball cap
removes it
“I want to see your butt when I fuck it. Alright?”
“Uh huh.”
“Thanks. I just need uh…”
the only discernable dialogue
What else do they say?
(first line seems like a comment on the porn)
What does the flag represent?
tv / computer / dvd player? / red pillow brown sheets ashtray
What logo on the black ballcap?
Why are some sections slowed?
one or both know that the camera is there
no condom
Just spit?
rough and raw

(The House Bottom by Natty Soltesz
They’re drinking one night and Black cap says “I’ve always wondered what it would feel like” and White says “Fuck it I’m drunk, I’ll fuck your ass.”)

Black barely raises his head
never touches White who
barely touches Black
White flails arms outward to avoid hand/body contact
yet lays atop, bodies close, surely smelling and hearing Black
swivels his hips – what a stud
never removes his pants / underpants
huge cock
spits on the hole, close
considers licking it
but doesn’t.