My buddy Cliff has known I’m a fag since our sophomore year and it never changed anything between us, except he likes to tease me about it. He knows I think he’s hot and would love to suck his dick, so he’s always grabbing it and flashing it and trying to turn me on. I think he likes driving me a little crazy, I think he gets off on it. Once he asked me all about what gets me hard and when I told him smells, he got real interested. He said what kind, and I told him just about any – balls, ass, armpit. And he said he’d let me sniff his pits if I really wanted to. And I was like, really? We were all alone in his room and I started getting hard cause it really seemed like he was serious. And he said yeah, he knew how much I wanted his cock and since he was straight and I was never gonna get that, he could at least give me this. “Right now?” I said. He said “Why not?” He’d been working out earlier and was sweaty as hell. I could probably smell him across the room – and I really could – so why not just get a closer whiff? He raised up his arm then so I could see his damp armpit hair and the smell hit me even harder. I moved in closer and he got the biggest smile on his face.
I started a new Tumblr called BROB8 – it’s one of those deals where I repost sexy pics and add captions to them. Check it out.