My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey: The Novel: The Update
Haaay. I recently finished – like, finished-finished – My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey (the novel version based off of this story) and submitted it to a publisher. Keep your fingers crossed. One of my goals is to find a good editor who wants to work with me on a long(ish)-term basis. Writing is such a slog sometimes – one I happily muck through, but any help along the way is golden. Just putting that out there. 🙂
Still writing hot lil caption stories and posting them on my Tumblr, BROB8. Very much enjoying that outlet.
Working on my sci-fi story which is about a guy who buys a sex robot which is a clone of himself. Taking my time with that one, keeping it fun.
The lifeguard story is on hiatus. It’s right there online so I suppose I’ll feel an obligation to finish it at some point. Not that I don’t want to, but I think I got to a tricky place in it where I didn’t know where I was going, and I had other stuff to do so I just let it go. Gotta let things go. Always.
Winter solstice, yo. Bring on the light.
Jun 19, 2015 @ 15:53:24
Hey, how’s the novel going? Any closer to a release date? Can’t wait!
Jun 23, 2015 @ 17:06:49
Hey Neal! The Joey novel is in a holding pattern unfortunately. Another book, written before Joey, resurfaced in my mind and is currently on the front burner. I’ll have an announcement regarding that book very very soon. And as far as the Joey book is concerned, I may work on it more in the meantime…I submitted it to one publisher and they essentially passed, and I also submitted it to one agent…so who knows, but I plan on coming back to it and getting it out as soon as I possibly can. Thanks!
Jul 11, 2015 @ 14:54:44
The Joey story is great. Would love to read more. I’d offer to help edit it but I can’t commit to anything long term. Keep up the good work.