My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey: The Novel: The Update: Part 2
Hiya. Just a note to tell anybody who’s reading that I had my most productive day of writing ever in my life yesterday. I’m not going to say what my word count was because that’s private, but it was a lot for me, and I’d say a good 75% of it was good good good. It’s the first draft a novel I’ve been working on for the past two months, it’s about incest, and it’s a little crazy narrative-wise but I’m having so much fun with it.
The other piece of news is that the novel version of my ‘ole story “My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey” has found a publisher and should be out before this winter. More news as I get it.
Otherwise: just chilling, waiting for nuclear war. Fuck Trump. Fuck sociopaths. Ban nuclear weapons. What a fucked mess we’ve made of this world. What a shame.