My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey: The Novel: The Update: Part 2

Yesterday I got a chance to go through someone’s massive collection of gay porn rags from the early 80s onward. Found this one (my story title made the cover!) and three others. Buy my book. 🙂

Hiya. Just a note to tell anybody who’s reading that I had my most productive day of writing ever in my life yesterday. I’m not going to say what my word count was because that’s private, but it was a lot for me, and I’d say a good 75% of it was good good good. It’s the first draft a novel I’ve been working on for the past two months, it’s about incest, and it’s a little crazy narrative-wise but I’m having so much fun with it.

The other piece of news is that the novel version of my ‘ole story “My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey” has found a publisher and should be out before this winter. More news as I get it.

Otherwise: just chilling, waiting for nuclear war. Fuck Trump. Fuck sociopaths. Ban nuclear weapons. What a fucked mess we’ve made of this world. What a shame.