My New Book is Available Right Now
Just a heads up: you can order my new collection of college porno stories – College Dive Bar, 1 AM – right now and forevermore from Go Deeper Press, in print or ebook editions (it will also be available on Amazon, B&N, etc. eventually). The print edition features gorgeous wrap-around cover art by Michael Kirwan. Either way, you’ll get to read a story about college weightlifters using cum as a protein supplement. Read an excerpt and order it right now!
Also available on Amazon in print and ebook editions.
Aug 15, 2015 @ 02:42:02
Congrats on the book, will be checking it out for sure! I do have a question what ever happened to your novel? ‘My sisters boyfriend’
Aug 18, 2015 @ 20:13:05
Thanks Lulu! My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey the Novel is currently resting up and waiting for me to get back to it…it’s written, but it needs something more, I just don’t know what.