Kickstarter Love & Wrap-up

For lack of any appropriate images to go with this post, here is a picture of Matthew McConaughey as Wooderson.
What can I say about Kickstarter and my awesome backers that I haven’t said already? Nuffin. I recently sent out my rewards (aside from the book itself, which is coming out God-knows-when), and hopefully everybody has gotten them by now (and if you haven’t you should maybe let me know). So I just wanted to give a shout-out here to all the backers who helped me achieve my dream of producing an illustrated book.
I love all of these people (and if you’d like me to remove your name from this list or link to your blog/site/whathaveyou, let me know!):
Amanda O’Dell
Andrew Aiello-Hauser
Headmaster Magazine
James Champagne
Jason Quest
Johnny Murdoc
Katie Johnston
Martin Gómez H
Matt Gallaway
Mike Riley
Natty Fan
Yves Sauriol
R Wheatley
Rob Wolfsham
Yancey Strickler
Jul 13, 2010 @ 17:57:17
Nestor Makhno is Yves Sauriol. Sorry! Seems pretentious to insist on that. I had to change my name cuz I was censored from Facebook for the drawing of a penis!
Jul 13, 2010 @ 17:59:19
My blog Again sorry for this
Jul 13, 2010 @ 19:42:12
Yves, thank you for the correction, the link, and everything! Stupid Facebook! Your art is strange and unusual and I’m glad to link to it.