Do you think “Backwoods” will be available for sale in bookstores, or only online? Will you now be able to quit your day job and write fulltime? Now that you are an established author, IN PRINT, do you suppose you can get your collected erotic fiction published in a single hardback volume? STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT!
Alexander – Yes, yes a thousand times YES! Actually I have no idea about any of that except, as I told my friend Rob, I hardly intend on becoming a “thousandaire” from this deal when all is said and done. BUT WHO CARES ABOUT MONEY RIGHT?
Feb 23, 2010 @ 19:12:09
Do you think “Backwoods” will be available for sale in bookstores, or only online? Will you now be able to quit your day job and write fulltime? Now that you are an established author, IN PRINT, do you suppose you can get your collected erotic fiction published in a single hardback volume? STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT!
Feb 23, 2010 @ 22:09:21
Rob – but of course!
Alexander – Yes, yes a thousand times YES! Actually I have no idea about any of that except, as I told my friend Rob, I hardly intend on becoming a “thousandaire” from this deal when all is said and done. BUT WHO CARES ABOUT MONEY RIGHT?
Feb 23, 2010 @ 23:38:35
Congratulations! I’m really looking forward to reading it.
Rebel Satori seems like a really cool publisher, too.
As for money, the wealthy are lousy at sex and even worse at writing about it.
Proof: Jean Genet vs. John Updike.
Feb 24, 2010 @ 10:17:04
Thanks arctic_jay!