24 Hours…
Only 24 hours to go on my Kickstarter project. My backers have long since pledged enough money for me to buy illustrations for my book, but this is your last chance to buy yourself one of my collages or a book that I spooged in. Just sayin.
Jun 15, 2010 @ 21:54:27
I love you but I’ll pass on the spooge. Yay, kickstarter!
Jun 21, 2010 @ 19:26:25
Love your stories and excited about your book. Do you think you’ll ever do a part II for Dr. Craig? That’s one of my favorite stories… and voted for part II a while back when you had the vote for a story sequel. Still think it deserves it’s own sequel, especially the open-ended way it closed… just begging to be continued…
Jun 26, 2010 @ 20:47:49
Hey, Fan, thanks for the nice words. Part II for Dr. Craig…I’d consider it!
Jun 28, 2010 @ 20:03:14
That would be awesome! I’ll keep an eye out for part II, just in case!