

Most TV shows are after the unexpected. They want to create that water cooler moment that brings you back the next week, still buzzing about what you saw before. John Locke was in a wheelchair. Livia Soprano takes out a hit on her son. Michael Scott drives a car into a lake. The secretary runs […]

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The Mystery

I was asked at lunch today who or what I worshipped. The question was asked sincerely, and in the same spirit I responded that I worshipped whatever there might be outside knowledge. I worship the void. The mystery. —Roger Ebert


Porn Writing

Pornography, from the Greek, means literally ‘whore writing.’ You know you are a whore and you write about it. This differs from other literary careers in which you may write for years before you discover you are whore. –Lars Eighner


God Bless Ebert

I have neglected poor little Nuts, Zoe’s Boston terrier. Nuts follows her everywhere, and whenever he gets a closeup, he barks appropriately, as if he understands what is said.  When was the last time in a movie where somebody said something, and there was a cut to a dog who barked, and you thought, “That’s […]


Roger Ebert sez…

Repost from old blog, 5/10/2009 From his review of “Little Ashes“: I have long believed that one minute of wondering if you are about to be kissed is more erotic than an hour of kissing. Although a few gay Web sites complain “Little Ashes” doesn’t deliver the goods, I find it far more intriguing to […]



One huge problem with art lies with the extent of artists who need to connect with an audience. What I’m talking about is a relationship with art. The success of this relationship seems to rely on a certain limitation of public interaction. It’s not absurd to regard art as a coded outcry to be loved […]